This is one of the better options out there, as per the cost and the value that you get. The container is good as well (with thick plastic container).As for the safety concerns in terms of manufacturing and packaging you can check the fssai licence number which has been provided in Amazon itself and cross check in the official website of fssai or some third party website to check for authenticity. (It's authentic).As for the concerns of using caffeine, let me tell you, its one of the mildest nootropic, with a very large therapeutic index (basically means the amount is do that you require to get toxicity is very high, and the dose that can produce the effect is much lower) so that makes it very safe.Caffeine side effect that had been observed are also mild, like headache, insomnia, shaking(not severe , slight shaking when taken in excess over a small period of time)I have been using it for the last week and it's quite affective.Some tips, before taking the medicine you can use coffee or some caffeine containing beverages (sting,redbull,monster etc) to check for your caffeine tolerance, if it take you very long to digest it then don't take in the evening or you might not be able to sleep that night.You can also check for side effect like shaking. I have observed that when I take 270 mg (1 tablet + caffeinated beverage after half an hour) i got slight shaking.(nothing severe). Though with the recommended 200 mg it was fine Some people might be able to handle more, you have to find that out yourself. ( But be safe, don't take too much at once, gradually increase over some days, with interleaving some days between).Thought the FDA approved daily dose is 400mg, it's not like you can take 2 capsules at a single time, it should be distributed throughout the day. I had been recommended in the label itself to take the second dose after 3-4 hrs,Follow the instructions.Something that I would line to see would be tablet form of the drug , so then I can break in and take half the dose if so required, it gives more flexibility. Though I can understand that the cost might go up, so it not a must have requirement.P.S. - the expiry date if also long (24 months from mfg) and the one I got was manufactured 2 months prior, so iam happy.Overall its a good all round product, with good pricing,effective, long expiry date, safety, and i am quite satisfied with the product.