Ok yeah..one month completed...i lost 5kgs from 2nd July 2023 till today that's 3 Rd August 2023.without work out..bit control on diet...But not for beginners..if beginners want to do it..they should take only one capsule..nt more than that.. starting if body is weak..then u may feel puking,vomits, nausea,loss of water .so stay hydrated..that's the rule .Nd never never never over dose of capsule what is written.otherwise u will be on ride boss....it will keep u on bed otherwise...once u start using it after one month..u will feel the difference...stay healthy n cautious while using these supplements..but maintain the diet chart..as cucumber,salads,juice...nd if feels numb take ors..that's my personal views..let's c for the second month...will post after completion on 4th sept..how much I lost or not..or still it's working or not ..let's hope for best..